Puaf! Vaya mañana! Arriba a
las 5 a.m. , recogida de picnic en
recepción y cargar las motos a las 5:45;
a las 6:30 en el puerto.
En cola lloviznando, aunque buena temperatura 17º, para pasar la barrera y check in. Cuando
llegamos a la barrera nos dice que somos
los últimos y que vayamos deprisa. Dando rodeos por el puerto; había dos colas
para distintos ferris; el nuestro de Fiordline y otro más rápido el Colorline.
Agobiados y acalorados entramos en la bodega y nos colocan de mala
manera; cierran y sueltan amarras y todavía nosotros atando las motos.
Logramos acceder a la zona
de pasajeros y como tenemos ticket de
buffet, tras pasar un estricto control de una señorita nos acomodamos para desayunar.
El día está muy gris y
lloviznando; nos esperan dos horas y media hasta llegar a Dinamarca.
Poco ambiente para salir a cubierta debido a las nubes y la lluvia, sólo salen los fumadores.
María , Toño y Paloma se han tomado la “pastilla” para el mareo. Toño se ha tomado la Biodramina con
cafeína que tenía Paloma pues luego tiene que coger la moto y, María y Paloma unas pastillas que compraron
en una farmacia de Bergen (oficialmente
duraba el efecto 12 h y no tenían cafeína). Fueron efectivas, no hubo
Arribamos a Dimarca a la
hora y tuvimos que ponernos los trajes
de lluvia.
En ruta para cruzar el país
de norte a sur; carreteras rectas interminables; cultivos de maíz y cereales;
pocos animales. Ruta tediosa; la
medicación para el mareo fue tan efectiva que Paloma fue durmiéndose en la moto hasta el medio
Casi sin darnos cuenta cruzamos
a Alemania.
Paramos a comer el
picnic en un área de descanso con mesas
para que Paloma pudiese echar una cabezadita
y despejarse.
Recogemos la “escampá” y ¡a
rodar!. Ya va saliendo el sol.
Unos 300 km y llegamos a destino: Lübeck.
Tuvimos suerte y no había calles cortadas, alguna vuelta que otra
callejeando y nos acomodamos en un hotelito familiar, en el 3º y 4º piso, sin ascensor.
Nos cambiamos y a visitar la parte antigua de la ciudad. Había un pequeño mercadillo en la plaza central con puestecitos varios y un escenario
con música en vivo.
Para cenar degustación de diferentes tipos de salchichas locales.
Vuelta al hotel y a descansar. Mañana a Gante.
What a morning! We got up at 5:00
a.m., took the picnic at the reception
desk and went to load the luggage on the bikes at 5:45 a.m.; at 6:30 a.m. we were at
the port (harbour).
It was raining while we were queuing,
although there was mild temperature, 17º centigrades; we had to pass the toll and check in.
When we arrived at the toll desk they said
we were the last to go on board and we must rush. We were making circles to reach the ferry; there were to queues to go on two different ferries; ours the Fiordline and another faster the Colorline.
Stressed and quite hot we got in the
garaje deck and they put us at a bad place; they closed the gates and loosed
the ropes; we were still tighting the bikes with webbings.
It’s a quite grey day and with showers.;
and we had two hours and a half ahead to reach Danmark. We were not on the mood
to go open air on the deck due to the
rain and clouds. Only the smoker ones went out.
María, Toño and Paloma have taken some tablets against seasickness. Toño has
taken “biodramina”, it has got caffeine also, as he has to ride the bike
later. María and Paloma have taken some
they’ve bought at Bergen (they are
supposed to be effective during 12 hours, without caffeine). Everybody was Ok,
no seasickness at all.
We arrived at Danmark on time and we had
to put on our rain costumes.
On the route to cross the country fron
North to South; on straight endless motorways; there were many cereal and maize crops; a few animals on the way.
It was a tedious route; the seasickness
tablets were so strong that Paloma went nearly asleep on the bike till noon.
without noticing it, we passed to
stopped at a rest area with seats and
tables, by the motorway (autovan), to have the picnic for lunch; there Paloma could have a little nap.
We tidied up and, To ride!. The sun was appearing among the clouds.
We rode 300 km more and we reached the target: Lübeck.
This time we were very lucky, no cut roads, some diversions and we were at
a family Hotel, we got a 3rd and 4th
floor accomodation, without lifter.
We took off the bike costumes and we went around
to visit the old part of the city.
There was a typical little market at the
main square, with alive music.
We tried various local sausages for dinner.
Back to the hotel to rest. Tomorrow we will go to Gante.
Los Alicantinos, que ya estamos, como no pudimos recuperar el mismo hotel, estuvimos en uno (con ascensor) a 45 minutos de ellos, de ida, y 5 de vuelta.
ResponderEliminarunos enfrente de otros, con el rio por enmedio, y por no cruzar el mimo puente.... caminata y nos tuvieron que esperar